Many of us use *iTunes* as an audio player. The trouble is that not always have ALL the songs we have available, and the best would be an external hard drive with songs repository to access remotely from our iDevices to them.
*Raspberry Pi* will help us on this mission...
*forked-daapd is an iTunes music server, which can be controlled by Apple Remote on iPod/iPhone or by an app like TunesRemote+ on Android. You can also control it via iTunes itself. It can output audio locally or to Airport Express compatible devices.*
With **apt-get**:
Add the next line to */etc/apt/sources.list*:
Now: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install forked-daapd
Edit */etc/forked-daapd.conf* restart the server with **sudo /etc/init.d/forked-daapd restart**
Make the file **pass.remote** on your *Library* with two lines: one with the name of your device and another with the *PIN* that Remote give to you when trying to pair with your *Library*. That's all!
For more information you have the forum and the project readme below.
Forum: [raspberrypi.org > Improved forked-daapd (iTunes server)](http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=49928)
Link: [forked-daapd.README](http://gyfgafguf.dk/raspbian/forked-daapd.README)