Many of us have thankfully grown in a time of revolution in video games. There was innovation in programming methods to stand out in an emerging market like *PC* video games. *Doom* was the star on the *fps* genre.
Today we're going to enjoy this game on the Raspberry Pi...
I remember I bought a *Sound Blaster Pro* to a friend to fully enjoy this game on my *486 DX2 - 100 Mhz*. No one can forget the soundtrack that accompanied us on each stage.
We felt powerful with that shotgun or the chainsaw. The good news is that there have been many *ports* along the years, and our Pi could not disappoint us.
The best existing version to run on our beloved *Pi* is *Chocolate Doom*. You can download from the [Pi Store](http://store.raspberrypi.com/projects/chocodoom). This version supports *Dispmanx* under *SDL 1.2*, using the *GPU* acceleration to play the game.
Download: [doom1_0.zip (.wad shareware)](http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=6)