Beginning Sensor Networks with Arduino and Raspberry Pi (Ebook)


**Beginning Sensor Networks with Arduino and Raspberry Pi** teaches you how to build sensor networks with *Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and XBee* radio modules, and even shows you how to turn your *Raspberry Pi* into a *MySQL* database server to store your sensor data!

First you'll learn about the different types of sensors and sensor networks, including how to build a simple *XBee* network. Then you'll walk through building an Arduino-based temperature sensor and data collector, followed by building a *Raspberry Pi*-based sensor node.

Next you'll learn different ways to store sensor data, including writing to an SD card, sending data to the cloud, and setting up a *Raspberry Pi MySQL* server to host your data. You even learn how to connect to and interact with a *MySQL* database server directly from an *Arduino*! Finally you'll learn how to put it all together by connecting your *Arduino* sensor node to your new *Raspberry Pi* database server.

If you want to see how well *Arduino* and *Raspberry Pi* can get along, especially to create a sensor network, then Beginning Sensor Networks with Arduino and *Raspberry Pi* is just the book you need. What you'll learn

  • How to build sensor nodes with both Arduino and Raspberry Pi!

  • What is XBee?

  • What methods you have for storing sensor data

  • How you can host your data on the Raspberry Pi

  • How to get started with the MySQL database connector for Arduino

  • How to build database enabled sensor networks

Who this book is for

Electronics enthusiasts, *Arduino and Raspberry Pi* fans, and anyone who wants hands-on experience seeing how these two amazing platforms, *Arduino and Raspberry Pi*, can work together with *MySQL*. Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction to Sensor Networks

Chapter 2. Tiny Talking Modules: An Introduction to XBee Wireless Modules

Chapter 3. Arduino-Based Sensor Nodes

Chapter 4. Raspberry Pi-based Sensor Nodes

Chapter 5. Where to Put It All: Storing Sensor Data

Chapter 6. Turning Your Raspberry Pi into a Database Server

Chapter 7. MySQL and Arduino: United at Last!

Chapter 8. Building Your Network: Arduino Wireless Aggregator + Wireless Sensor Node + Raspberry Pi Server

Chapter 9. Planning Wireless Sensor Networks

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