SSH connections,... and forget about passwords!

![SSH hodor](

If you don't understand it, this blog is not for you

This guide is essential to our daily with *SSH* connections, but sometimes we become lazy (I'm the first).

I explain *VERY EASILY* how to generate keys you need so you don't have to write the damn password in each *SSH* connection.

Let's create the public/private keys and copy the first on the remote computer. Wrote the following from the computer where we are going to connect (in my case, a *Mac*):

cd .ssh
ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t rsa -f id_rsa -P ""
ssh pi@ < ~/.ssh/ 'mkdir -p .ssh && cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'

OSX Terminal showing all the process. Click to enlarge

With the last command, we copy from our *Linux/OSX* the public key to the remote device. In this example, ** (my *Raspberry Pi*).


It was not so hard, right?. Why have you don't this before?.

If you want to type less, create an **alias in your Linux/OSX**: *nano ~/.bash_profile*

Example: alias sshrpi='ssh pi@'

And reload the shell with: *source ~/.bash_profile*

Now, every time you type *sshrpi*, will access from your computer to the Pi with no password.



Link: [ > Passwordless SSH access](