SD Images to play Game Boy Color, Atari or MSX in a few seconds on Raspberry Pi


Occasionally Internet surprises us unintentionally. A French user with the nick *Dr Floyd* has created a SD customized for a single emulator images. You wont have to wait long, **usually begin in seconds**...

They are images that can download through *Dropbox*. Once decompressed takes about *4GB*.

It's *Arch Linux* prepared specifically for a Pi based console called *OctopusPi* which was promoted by *Kickstarter*. Comes with *Kernel 3.10.38-1*. we can access through *SSH* (*root@root*) but games can be copied from the */boot/games* directory which has *FAT32* (*1.5GB free*).

Work with the *Raspberry Pi Model A and B* (problems with detecting joystick with model *B+*).

Emulators available are:

  • Game Boy Color

  • Atari 400/800/800XL/1200XL

  • MSX/MSX2


Links: [ > Console GAMOPAT OCTOPUS Pi, PRECOMMANDES !!!!! (FR)]( | [ > [TELECHARGEMENT] OCTOPUS PI Les emulateurs! (FR)](