News this week in the Pi World


Manuel Guerra (Research Group of Police), Lorenzo Martínez (Security by Default) and me

This week I've been traveling for business. I have returned with force and eager to immerse myself in computer security issues after attending conferences forum on [BusinessTIC](, where I had the pleasure of meeting to *Lorenzo Martínez* from [](, one of the best spanish sites about cybersecurity, among others.

Kinect Raspberry Pi 2

I remember that you have until Monday next week to participate in the giveaway of [Exagear Desktop]( I mentioned [here]( Winners will be named next week.

  • **HOWTO: custom kernel for ODROID-C1** | [](

  • **mikronauts presents us to Elf** | [](

![Odroid Magazine](

  • **ODROID Magazine issue (June) | [](

  • **Timelapse with Raspberry Pi** (spanish) | [](

![pi portatil](

  • **Handheld-Pi** | [](

  • **Proof of concept 3D Scanner with kinect and Raspberry Pi 2** | [](

Happy weekend!