Introducing OTTO, the camera with Raspberry Pi inside


The *Next Thing Co.* guys succeed with each project presented. It happened with *C.H.I.P.* I already mentioned here and it was not the first. It was a campaign that helped found the product I'm presenting today, which is nothing more than a camera created with the *Raspberry Pi Compute Module*. A curiosity with which you can take pictures, videos, GIF and more...


Something it has captivated to me. Maybe it's their shape retro or its interior. It has a smartphone app where you can import your creations via *WiFi* and unleash your imagination to compose and share GIF, timelapse videos, etc...

Yes, this can be done directly with smartphone even better and with more quality (and cheaper). I guess for those who have grown up with cameras like *Polaroid*, has some charm and romance.

In any case, I leave you with some links to meet this Open hardware creation that you can hack.

Link: [ > Meet OTTO - The Hackable GIF Camera](

Link: [ > OTTO](