News this week in the Pi World


I know it's not Friday, but tomorrow I will leave my country to go to France and I'll be offline for a while...

Using SSH To Open Raspberry Pi Graphical Applications On Your Local Machine
  • **ODROID Magazine August 2015** | [ODROID Magazine (6.6 MB)](


  • **Hardkernel ODROID XU4 Review** | [mikronauts](


Burn one image on multiple devices. More info [here](

cat raspi.img.gz |
tee >(split -a 3 -d -b 100M --verbose - ~/trash/TT >&2) |
gzip -cd |
tee >(sudo dd of=/dev/sda) |
sudo dd of=/dev/sdb 
  • **FreeBSD 11 for Raspberry Pi** and other plates | [](

See you in a few days!