Mycroft: IA for everyone (Kickstarter)


You know that from time to time I like to show relevant projects from *Kickstarter*, and this one in particular has come to me by a reader called *Miguel Rodriguez*. It is a device to control the *IoT (Internet of things)* through the voice and play your media, lighting,... and yes, it is built with a *Raspberry Pi 2...*

The video says it all about this product. Use software and hardware open and you can continue developing to the community. Among its most important features: *Play Content like Spotify, Netflix and other services through Chromecast/Roku, IoT with Iris, Philips hue, Nest, read calendars as iCal or Google Calendar, Twitter*....

It is a project that many of us have tried to do, and I still feel curious to know how they have solved the issue of the microphone quality signal in the Pi2.

Use internally a *Snappy Ubuntu Core* OS. The starting price is **99 $** and almost have financed campaign. The trouble is that we have to wait until next summer and send *Mycroft* to make us popcorn and go to the premiere of *Batman Vs Superman* ;)

Link: [Kickstarter > Mycroft: An Open Source Artificial Intelligence For Everyone](

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