Genymotion + local web server with different domains


If you find this post, maybe you are in trouble configuring Genymotion + local web server with some domains.

I use the combo *[Appcelerator Titanium]( + [Genymotion](* to develop *Android Apps* and I use a *Mac* local web server with *Laravel Homestead* (*Vagrant*) which has more than one domain configured. This becomes a knightmare if you don't know how to config this environment, so follow my guide to make this work.

[ Server ]

First, make sure you have *Laravel Homestead or Vagrant machine* correctly installed and running (important). Probably you have some projects configured in the same machine. For example, you can go to your project typing in the browser or Here is a */etc/hosts* example file:

# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting.  Do not change this entry.
##   localhost broadcasthost
::1             localhost
/etc/hosts in my current OSX

As you can see, my server *IP* is **

[ Genymotion ]

Surely is configured, but you need to change the proxy settings as the next capture:


Settings > Network on Genymotion

The problem is that you have some domains and *Genymotion* don't know what's the domain you want to reach, so we need to modify the file *hosts* inside the *Android image*. To do this, first run the *Android OS* you want. Then type the next:

cd /Applications/
./adb remount
./adb push /etc/hosts /system/etc/hosts

With this instructions, you **copy the current Mac hosts file to Android** and now *Android* knows where to go when you make a request from your code. Finally, you can make the request on your code to the domain you need as the example below:

    "global": {},
    "env:development": {
        "api": ""
    "env:test": {},
    "env:production": {
    "os:android": {},
    "os:ios": {},
    "os:mobileweb": {},
    "os:windows": {},
    "dependencies": {
config.json on Appcelerator

Some useful commands on Appcelerator:

  • Enable Genymotion typing: *ti config genymotion.enabled true*

  • Your current Android setup: *ti info -t android*

Happy coding!