News this week in the Pi World


Things are not going well this year with regard to my work situation. Making bad decisions one after another does not help, but you never know. I'll try to be more optimistic. Surely the storm passes tomorrow, and when I look out, I see a resplendent Sun that will accompany me as does the following links on the shining Pi World...

USB Boot Mode No SD Card Raspberry Pi 3 Raspbian Pixel

![Command Prompt arp](

  • **Scan Raspberry Pi IP address from network neighbor computer, by MAC:** Read at [helloraspberrypi](, We know that *MAC* address for the *Raspberry Pi* goes from *B8-27-EB-00-00-00 to B8-27-EB-FF-FF-FF*. So you can use the next command to check it in your LAN:

$ arp -a | grep b8:27:eb # Linux/macOS

> arp -a | grep b8-27-eb # Windows
  • **DietPi v151** | [](

  • **Overclock SD Card Reader Raspberry Pi Increase Read And Write Speeds:**



  • **Keep Things Private on Your Raspberry Pi Device: Get Behind a VPN [Setup Guide]** | [](

  • **Mycroft-Image (Debian Jessie-based) for ODROID-U3** | [](

  • **Storm Glass - the Weather Forecasting Lamp That Simulates Real Weather Conditions!** | [](

Tweet of the week thanks to [@Raspberry_Pi](

Happy weekend!