News this week in the Pi World


Tiring week and it's not over yet. The funny thing is that I'm sleeping well and it makes me concentrate more when I work. It's weird in me, I don't usually sleep for more than five hours.

I'm going to take this Friday morning to review the fascinating **Pi World**. Will you come with me?.... Well, you're missing it.

PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds on the Raspberry Pi?!?!
  • **Send Pushover Notification when MotionEyeOS Boots:** Si hace poco os hablaba de una distro para temas de videovigilancia, hoy he descubierto [motionEyeOS]( y en el siguiente tutorial te enseñan a conectarlo con la aplicación *Pushover* y desde tu movil, estar al tanto de la actividad en tu sistema de vigilancia. Ya tengo diversión para el fín de semana. | [](

  • **Raspbian Stretch network interface name changes** Just add to the file */boot/cmdline.txt* the next:


Link: [](

  • **GamOdroiD C0: an Odroid based portable retrogaming** | [](

Tweet of the week thanks to [@climagic](

Happy weekend!