Ambilight for Raspbmc updated


One of the more popular [post]( in the forums is referred to the project *Ambilight*. This project helps us to build a lighting system around our TV that lets you enjoy a more visual experience.

We have already seen thanks to the detailed instructions that our friend *Hugo Ruiz* sent us.

Now talks about the changes needed to make it work in the new version of *Raspbmc*.

*For Raspbmc July update, again things change a little. Now use a different boblight bringing the conf files. Names must have 3 characters, ie. green will grn, blu, red. A new feature also captures and reproduces the light while nothing is played, from the main menu. Steps to work:*

*1. Install the new update.*

*2. create boblight.conf. You have to change ALL names to 3 characters of color. *

*3. For options, edit the following file:*

sudo nano /etc/init/boblight-dispmanx.conf
ctrl+x y fin


Link: [MisApuntesde... Ambilight Guide](

Link: [raspbmc](