Happy Three Kings day!


There are three kings who left Orient for the birth of the new *King of the Jews*

A tradition that brings every *January, 6* gifts for all children and not so young.

  • **Melchior** bring a new [rpix86](http://rpix86.patrickaalto.com/rpix86.zip) version and a blog to install [some games](http://ledgerlabs.us/raspberrypi/).

  • **Caspar** build a [photo-frame](http://www.ofbrooklyn.com/2014/01/2/building-photo-frame-raspberry-pi-motion-detector/) to their home.

  • **Balthasar** has installed GeekBox on their RPi thanks to [this link](http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpicodotdev.github.io%2Fblog-bitix%2F2014%2F01%2Fraspberry-pi-como-media-center-con-geexbox%2F).

Enjoy this day!