Happy Birthday, Mac!


Today is the day that Apple introduced to the world the first *Mac* 30 years ago. My tribute will be to review and emulate a *Macintosh* with the *Raspberry Pi* with the *vMac* emulator...

I leave my *MSX* and bought a *PC 286* directly. I did not even know what a *Mac* means when *Amiga* were the best and the *PC* was still expensive computers. I grew up with *MS-DOS* and *Windows* without knowing the rivalry between Mr. *Jobs* and *Bill Gates*, and I thought that the mouse was invented by *IBM*.

Over time, we must recognize that *Apple* has had much to do with the advancement in the digital age we have had in the last 30 years.

I leave the link to install the emulator, which I published in his day on this blog.

Link: [misapuntesde.com > Learn to emulate a Macintosh from Raspberry Pi with vMac](https://misapuntesde.com/post.php?id=249)