Commodore 64 emulator to celebrate Valentine's Day


We can't spend a lot of money in a day like this, but certainly if you call any restaurant in your city, I'm pretty sure you can't take any reservation. So it is best to stay home with your *Raspberry Pi* and try this emulator I propose to you...

100 Commodore 64 games in 10 minutes!

**VICE** emulates one of the best selling computer of all time, the *Commodore 64*. Casually, I have an original one gathering dust and I've never used it (please, don't kill me).

I thank the user *welshy* from the official forum for this gift. How great you are, man!

I put the links of the binary if _you have a partner_, but if you are a ["forever alone"](, here goes the source code to keep you busy...

*PS*: Post dedicated to my two women, **Elena and Laura**. For the first I gift you this night and to the second the next morning. I promise to play with you to *Pac-Man 2 (SNES) or TMNT (MAME)*.

Binary link: [ > VICE - Commodore 64 Binary](

Link to source code: [ > VICE - A 'Beginners Guide' to Compiling and Using](

ROMs: [ > Commodore_64](