News this week on the Pi World

![rpi module](

What the hell is this? I tell you: A RAM module disguised as a Raspberry Pi. LOL

Busy week as you have seen, or not seen in this case as I have not written anything so far from the past *Sunday*, but I'm happy with everything that is happening in my life, and also happy to show you what happened this week in the *Raspberry Pi* scene.

If you are a [Google Docs]( fans you've seen many updates throughout the week. It is easier to update and still have their dedicated followers. I appreciate the messages of encouragement and that you share it. Remember the [contest]( to win a book about *Raspberry Pi* .You have until next week to participate.

  • **New product, Raspberry Pi computer module:** This module seems a laptop *RAM* module but is a miniaturized *Raspberry Pi* for specific projects, containing the *BMC2835* processor and *512 Mbyte of RAM*. Is designed for those who want to create their own *PCB* and is the perfect complement to the *Compute Module IO Board*. More info: [ > RASPBERRY PI COMPUTE MODULE: NEW PRODUCT!](

  • **PiMAME to the Crowdfounding:** Our friend *Shea Silverman* recently married and had no idea how much money does a house and of course, now he need a *Kickstarter* campaign to buy a bunch of pieces, buttons and so on, to test their famous distro. Let us help!. [PiMAME Kickstarter](

  • **Control applications with the voice with Jasper:** Now you can take the control of your Pi talking to it. Two guys from *Princeton University* have developed a voice control system with a Raspberry Pi. All the info in [](


Cupcade de Adafruit
  • **Cupcade for sale:** You can buy a **DIY Kit** with a mini-cade for about $112 on [Adafruit]( but run!,units are counted. +Info: [OverView](

Nothing more family, we read!