News this week on the Pi World

![safe Pi](

Today I have been tempted and bought an *iPhone 6*. After three years with the version 4 I needed a renewal, mostly because my wife will inherit it and I do not like *Android* operating system. Hopefully someday *iOS* could be installed in other *Smartphones*. Moreover, in this section we'll see how to open a safe "by the face", *Perforce* (another *Dropbox killer*) and learn what the hell it *Shellshock* vulnerability.

  • **Security camera with face recognition:** A good weekend project to have a safe that is opened recognizing your face. Code available on *GitHub* if you want to modify it for other purposes. | [](

  • **Shellshock, learn to avoid it:** In short, it is a vulnerability in the *Shell Bash* that takes advantage of global variables. For a user like you and me it's not a big deal, but for servers and big business can endanger a lot of valuable information. If you want to know if your computer is vulnerable, run the following:

env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c "echo this is a test"

If you get an error, your computer is safe.

To fix it:

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade bash

For further information, visit [](

Perforce Intro
  • **Setting up Perforce on a Raspberry Pi:** It is basically a file server with *Git* power to manage large files in collaborative environments at any scale development. | [A Pocketful of Perforce: Perforce Services Setting Up on a Raspberry Pi](

  • **File Hosting with Seafile:** It seems that one of the things that most interests the Raspberry Pi users is to have personal files without having them in services like *Dropbox* because each day internet is more insecure. *Seafile* is another alternative if you think *ownCloud* does not work well enough. | [> Raspberry Pi Home Server - File hosting with Seafile](

Happy weekend!