Pi Entertainment System (PES)


*PES* is a graphical front end for a variety of games console emulators that has been written in *Python by Neil Munday* which is intended for use on the *Raspberry Pi*.

Although *Java* is still the programming language most widely used in spite of me and *Python* is rising as the years go because of their community and their simplicity, are lenguages I would not use in my projects, and less one that should be a fast *Front-End* to load *ROMs* emulators.

Still deserves a chance. The image weighs a little already. Tell me what you think in the comments.

Download: [pes-2014-09-22.img.gz (768 MB)](http://pes.mundayweb.com/downloads/pes-2014-09-22.img.gz)

Forum: [raspberrypi.org](http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=87921)

Link: [pes.mundayweb.com](http://pes.mundayweb.com/html/index.html)