News this week on the Pi World

![crux arm](

This week we discussed new distributions to our boards, and talk about a [special Event]( will happen in Barcelona where I will be present as a speaker. But it's been much more. To find out, Jump!...

The news of the week, was the *Apple's Keynote*. Honestly I liked more the *Netbook* than the brand (new?) *iWatch*, but prices seem very expensive for what they are actually selling: I+D. So I could not resist to show you the viral video of the moment, with a character well known in Spain:

Apple Engineer Talks about the New 2015 Macbook
  • **Android 4.4 source code for ODROID-C1 released** | [](

  • **Kali Linux on a Raspberry Pi with encrypted disk** | [](

  • **CRUX-ARM 3.1 for Raspberry Pi & ODROID-C1** | [](

Happy weekend!