General Data Protection Regulation


Well, even if I still don't have the blog adapted for lack of time as usual to use the secure protection layer or *SSL*, many of us have had to inform our users of what we do with the data we store. In my case, I don't store any information about my users other than *Google Analytics* to see how many people enter on this blog and from where. For now I've disabled it because I don't know if I should do anything else on the blog in order to have it (anyway, it's always blocked by the *adblockerks* we all use and I never know for sure if it's true).

If in the past I have held a contest where I stored e-mails, they were deleted within one month of the end of that contest, so you don't have to worry about anything. The comments are managed through the [Disqus]( platform and from there you can exercise your right to delete the account.

If you want more information, I leave you with my page about data protection [here](

And since I've informed you about it, I'll let you know that this week **I've reach over a million hits** and I'm thinking about something cool. Suggestions are welcome.