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How to use a VGA Adapter for Raspberry Pi
Photo about VGA 666 GPIO Connector
VGA 666 GPIO Connector

Recently I got a AOC Model 7Vlr 17" Monitor with VGA connector and I wanted to use it with my Raspberry Pi... The real reason is that I don't have any laptop, PC or device at home with VGA output right now 😅.

Jose CerrejonAbout 2 minRaspberry Pideviceshardwaregpio
Install unrecognized USB Ethernet devices on macOS
USB Ethernet device photo
Do you know what USB device is it? Me neither.

I'm moving from my attic to the basement, and I needed to connect my Mac to the router, because the WiFi connection is terrible. I have a USB Ethernet device that I used with a miniPC, but it was not recognized by my macOS. I found a way to install it, and I want to share it with you.

Jose CerrejonAbout 1 minApplemacOShardwareethernet