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Python. Curiosities, code, notes to get ready to PCEP
Certification Roadmap
Certification Roadmap

I might take the PCEP exam to demonstrate my knowledge in Python. For now, I have taken a CISCO course called Python Essential 1 and here are some notes, curiosities, and code that I found interesting if you are not a Pythonista.

Jose CerrejonAbout 4 minDeveloperPythonTips
Open Quicktime and stream any device on macOS
Open Quicktime
Open Quicktime shortcut

This is one of those things that I do every day, and the flow is very boring: Open Quicktime, cancel the box dialog, Go to File > File > New Movie Recording, and then select the device. I mainly use it to view the signal from a USB video capture device, which works much better than doing it via VNC, Remote Desktop, or similar. In addition, these types of capture devices are very cheap.

Jose CerrejonAbout 1 minApplemacOSTips
Read Medium articles for free
Medium post read for free

Just a quick tip If you want to read a Medium article for free, cuz you don't have money to pay for a subscription or you don't want to create an account.

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteGeneralTips
Run a script after running apt-get update on a Debian or Ubuntu Linux

If you want to run a script for example, after apt update on Debian, you can use the apt hook system. This is useful if you want to perform some other action after the update. In my case, I need to run a script and re-install the Vulkan driver on Raspberry Pi, because apt update break it and the system can't open the Desktop environment.

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteLinuxDevOpsTipsTutorialRaspberry PI
Umount & Clean your NTFS/exFAT partition from macOS using Python
external hard drive
My external hard drive with tons of 💩.

Sometimes I think I'm the one who has problems with the NTFS/exFAT partition on macOS. I have to unmount and clean it, because exFAT is the file system I use on a Raspberry Pi acting as NAS using the great DietPi OS.

Jose CerrejonAbout 2 minAppleTipsPythonTutorial