Trackers: Review on Raspberry Pi

![music tracker](

Do you remember Scream Tracker?

This post has brought me many memories. I want to dedicate it to my friend *Paco Rodríguez* , a great music lover who has decided to compose in the *Raspberry Pi*.

Whether you like to compose or if you've never tried or, why not, you want to listen true masterpieces, keep reading on...

Necros / FM - Revelation

This morning I dedicated to collect information about this possibility and compose your own music. [Trackers]( allow us to create music with little knowledge of music theory.

The song you hear in the video on these lines belongs to a composition created with a music program called *Tracker*.

As we read in the *Wikipedia Music trackers (usually referred to simply as trackers) are a class of music sequencer software used to create and edit module files; they allow the user to arrange notes (pitch-shifted sound samples from the module) stepwise on a timeline across several (traditionally monophonic) channels.*

2nd Reality - Purple Motion - Unreal - Impulse Tracker

*Chip Tune* (as it calls itself now) is the progress of this king of composition. More than once we found a *.S3M * or *.MOD* file if you take time playing with computers. It seemed incredible that any guy could compose that way.

I leave you with a list of links if you want to practice and who knows, perhaps in a future you are a master of the *Chip Tune*. ![winking_tongue_out](

Aurora.mod. A classic.

Link: [Pi Store > Schism Tracker](

Link: [schism-intro+en.pdf](

Link: [The Mag Pi > Creating music using the Raspberry Pi (Schism Tracker)](

Link: [ > Samples](

**Great blog:** [](

Link: [TechniquesOfChipping.txt](

Link: [ > Top Favourites](

Link: [openmpt > Getting_Started](

Link: [Music Tracker Tutorials](

Youtube: [Retro Music - Impulse,Fast,Pro + Scream Tracker Music (1/4)](

Youtube: [Milkytracker / Chiptune Tutorial #1 - Getting started](