I forgot to tell you. If you reach this comment, especially via RSS, you can now find me at the following link:
- RSS: https://misapuntesde.com/rss.xml
or https://misapuntesde.com/
See you soon!
Here you can find info about Raspberry PI, ODROID, Linux and any other ideas.
I forgot to tell you. If you reach this comment, especially via RSS, you can now find me at the following link:
or https://misapuntesde.com/
See you soon!

It seems unbelievable that it's been a year since my last post here, hello everyone, by the way. I'm not very active on social networks, except on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ulysess10), I really learn a lot from other people there or [Discord](https://discord.gg/Y7WFeC5) where you can find me and chat with me inside the *#pikiss-support* channel.
Today I don't come here to talk about *Raspberry Pi*, I think you are already well informed through the network and it's been a while since I stopped posting news through the blog. Today I want to share my experience in switching to the new *MacBook Pro 2021*. I hope it helps me in the future or some of you, because you may find yourself a bit lost and not knowing where to look, especially if you are a developer, or you have another relatively new *Mac/MacBook* and you doubt If it's really worth the change, so if you're bored of watching reviews on *Youtube* and you like to enjoy a nice read about how I do the migration from a *MacBook Pro 2017* to its 2021 version, keep reading!....
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Hello again!. My new routine is being to maintain a couple of projects and launch myself into the adventure of rising a *start-up* so it's now or never. On weekends I improve and add new scripts to [PiKISS](https://github.com/jmcerrejon/PiKISS) for you, but it gets tiring, really. Even after a morning of testing a script, I upload it and someone comments that something is wrong. Those of us who are of age know that not everyone has the same scenario when it comes to running your applications. In this case, some have *Twister OS*, others test it in other distros (not supported), others don't have the default *pi* user in the system, and that leads to more and more hours of testing (each script takes me about 4-5 hours in total, I'll tell you why on another post).
I'm going to relax by finishing a couple of apps, writing for my [Patreons](https://www.patreon.com/cerrejon?fan_landing=true) (A greeting from here *David J Leto, James Carroll, Mike A. Torevell & Rodney Hester*), giving my opinion about the new *Raspberry Pi 400* among other news... I hope you give me time for everything. You only have to do one thing: Stay tuned, the **Pi World** is starting!
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I had taken a few weeks off!. I've had a lot of work this week with [PiKISS](https://github.com/jmcerrejon/PiKISS). I just missed being a trending topic on Twitter, ha ha. I thank all of you who have supported me, both financially in [Paypal](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=lPRx0Wb0wZQNE09UXr9-kKhbUILd-dRudtIQKlIt1isACAKVHa1Va6ZxSz4UCFKGB7OstW&country.x=GB&locale.x=GB) where I am receiving donations from users who have found the project very interesting, and those who have spread it through social networks. The article in the prestigious [Tom's Hardware](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/keep-your-raspberry-pi-setup-simple-with-pikiss) has also been an injection of desire to move forward. Now it's time to do my best and get out some new scripts, although there's a lot of old and obsolete code that I'd like to refactor and that gives me a little bit of shame, you know how demanding I am, so I don't get involved anymore. I leave you the links that I have collected this week that are interesting... Here we go!
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Today I set out to find out how long it takes to create a list of all the interesting links that have happened over the past 7 days on the *Raspberry Pi*. Don't waste any more time... Let the **Pi World** begin!...
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In my search for a nice front end or interface to sort and categorize my abandonware games, I came across **GR-Lida** and found it very complete. It is based on *Qt5* (hence the post from a few days ago) and I have **compiled it for the Raspberry Pi**. In case you want to do it, I leave you the binary and the instructions below...
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