raylib: Simple and easy-to-use library to make videogames


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If you've ever programmed or know *SDL, Allegro* libraries, or any kind of *framework*, you may have noticed all the save time by yourself to implement certain system calls or the language you want to use.

[raylib](http://www.raylib.com/) is a small open source library under the license [zlib/libpng](http://www.raylib.com/license.htm) in C very interesting with simple examples so you can create multiplatform games or multimedia applications. Also supports *Android, HTML5* and of course **Raspberry Pi**.

  • Uses C# PascalCase/camelCase notation

  • Hardware accelerated with OpenGL (1.1, 3.3+ or ES2)

  • Unique OpenGL abstraction layer [rlgl]

  • Powerful fonts module with SpriteFonts support

  • Multiple textures support, including DDS and mipmaps generation

  • Basic 3d support for Geometrics, Models, Heightmaps and Billboards

  • Powerful math module for Vector and Matrix operations [raymath]

  • Audio loading and playing with streaming support (WAV and OGG)

The **current version is 1.2.2** and you have an installer for *Windows* or you can easily compile with instructions that you can follow on *Github*.

Demos: [raylib_demo](http://www.raylib.com/raylib_demo.html)

Forum: [raspberrypi.org](http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=88182&sid=e875b1a6682d7bcc74b7cf723771228b)

Source Code: [Github > raylib](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib)