Arch Linux with graphical desktop (.img)
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Arch Linux with graphical desktop (.img)

A user from the forum has upload an image prepared with Arch Linux and graphical environment including packages with very good results.
If you've always been afraid of Arch Linux or does not work like a pro, this is your chance 😉
Log in with user root and password root. The environment used is Oppenbox with Rox. It's overclocked to 930 Mhz and comes with a set of pre-installed packages:
- MIT Scheme
- Leafpad
- mtPaint
- Wireless_tools and wpa_supplicant
- tigervnc
- Python 3.1.4 compiled from source.
- No web browser, but if you wish to install: pacman-S midori
The image fits on a 2 Gb SD and has a swap partition. To run the VNC server, simply type (password is button). Once you have installed your WiFi card, there is a script to configure called
Link: Readme
Image: .img 783,91 MB
More info: Arch Wiki