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What is Git? (Spanish link)

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteRaspberry PIDeveloperLinuxRaspberry PIDeveloperLinux

What is Git? (Spanish link)


"Git is software that is responsible for keeping track of changes to a set of files that are commonly called repository."

Something as simple to understand, and people are still afraid. I've got some articles quite interesting, and although we have alternatives like SVNopen in new window, every day is getting more followers.

I leave several links to not miss anything of this version control system.

¿What's Git?: fuenteabiertaopen in new window

Mini-tutorial about Git: ubuntu-españa.orgopen in new window

Git Server with Gitolite: paraisolinux.comopen in new window

Learn Git on 15 minutes (english): try.github.comopen in new window