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Show your Raspi temperature

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteRaspberry PIRaspberry PI

Show your Raspi temperature


I just found a script to display the temperature under your Raspi terminal. If you are interested...

# Script to show the temperature of the Raspberry Pi in terminal
# Values can be adjusted to show different color temperatures.
# By default:
#      40 degrees or less -> green (32)
#      Between 41 and 54 -> yellow (33)
#      Greater than or equal to 55 -> red (31)

mgrados='cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp'
engrados='expr $mgrados / 1000'

if [ $engrados -le 40 ]; then
	echo -e "Temp CPU:\033[32m $engrados"
elif [ $engrados -gt 40 ] && [ $engrados -lt 55 ]; then
	echo -e "Temp CPU:\033[33m $engrados"
	echo -e "Temp CPU:\033[31m $engrados"