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Raspberry Pi and GPIO (1)

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteRaspberry PIRaspberry PI

Raspberry Pi and GPIO (1)


Probably site Divertekaopen in new window is one that has more hispanic fans. Its clean Wordpress theme and content so enriching is what motivates us every day to visit their website.

The tutorial presented to us today is known as the great port of our Raspi *GPIO. *GPIO is like that neighbor that we all know but of which we know nothing.

It teaches how the Raspberry Pi communicates with the world, the hardware associated with that port, as well as the way Linux handles the same, finally managing a card (XUE-001) that allows control from a signal Raspberry output and one input.

An article to save favorites and keep it in mind.

Link: Diverteka - GPIOopen in new window