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Ubuntu 13.04 on a 27 touch screen

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteLinuxLinux

Ubuntu 13.04 on a 27" touch screen

It's amazing how well they have mastered the touch system in the Ubuntu updated operating system that has to go out this month.

I believe that although I have always seen it as a waste of time, since the keyboard and mouse will always be much faster than touching the screen and staining it, are moving in a very positive way with this control system.

If they want to somehow revive repetitive features that are occurring in the operating systems and to copy each other, one will have to uncheck from the rest.

Ubuntu although criticized for decisions that are altering its operating system for better or worse are trying it at least, and I dare say better than Microsoft with their Windows 8.

Would you like to control your desktop with your fingers?