Raspbian, Debian and Arch Linux images updated!
Raspbian, Debian and Arch Linux images updated!
A few hours ago the Raspberry Pi Foundation has published a new Raspbian, Debian and Arch Linux images. No list of changes, improvements or notes on these updates, unless included the latest firmwares and kernels, improvements and optimizations.
As read in the comments, could contain the new Wayland protocol that we talked recently.
Raspbian updates:
Updated Scratch image (significant performance improvements).
Updated armv6-optimised Pixman library.
Updated armv6-optimised memxxx() functions.
Updated raspi-config with new layout, and new functionality (setting hostname and enabling camera support).
Native mmap support in the bcm2835 ALSA driver, and numerous other firmware changes; see commits to github.
The boot partition now has the label "boot".
The Wayland/Weston preview from Collabora is installed and their apt repository is included as an apt source.
Downloads: raspberrypi.org