AEROS for Raspberry Pi
AEROS for Raspberry Pi

While one native port of AROS (Amiga Real Operating System) continues, here is another project called AEROS pretty interesting.
Want to know more?
AEROS is a hybrid distribution between AROS and Linux(Debian 7.0 for ARM). The pity is that this version to our Pi is only for registered users, but you can access a public beta.
Benefits for AROS users of having Linux under the hood:
more drivers (printers, scanners, NIC, Videocards and more)
you are able to run every Linux app including Wine (which enables the use of Windows (TM) apps without the need of Windows(TM))
AROS - Developers can use Linux development tools
AROS apps can utilize Linux tools to enhance there own functionalitiy.
Single AROS processes can be forced to run on a single core.
Benefits for Linux users of having AROS on top Linux:
Fast desktop, maybe the fastest on LInux
Allows you to run AROS apps and games too, most of them come from Amiga and have a low footprint. You will like how fast they are.
Allows you to use JanusUAE - an integrated Amiga emulation... classic 68k Amiga apps can be used in coherency mode
As I mentioned, we have a public beta, limited to the option not to install Linux applications. I leave you with it.
Download: aeros-pi-p1.img.7z (1.6 GB)
Ebay: AEROS for Raspberry PI beta on SD-card