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New Raspbian image and minimal distro (MINIBIAN)

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteRaspberry PIRaspberry PI

New Raspbian image and minimal distro (MINIBIAN)


I just read on Twitteropen in new window and it seem to have uploaded a new version of Raspbian a couple of days ago. The strange thing is we have no list of updates for any site. Keep looking.

While I have found in forums a new minimal distro called MINIBIAN, which optimize the latest Raspbian and leaves it with 189.9 MB compressed. The list of improvements below:

  • Kernel 3.6.11+ #474 ARM HF (Hard Float)

  • 22 secs boot

  • 45 Mb RAM used after boot

  • 522 Mb disk space used

  • Fit on 1GB SD Card

  • Optimized ext4 file system with swap disabled

  • Support for both 256Mb and 512Mb version

  • Targeted for embedded or server applications (NAS, Web server, electronic applications)

  • 100% full compatbile with officiale release

  • DHCP client enabled

  • SSHD enabled

  • root user enabled (default password: raspberry - please change it a.s.a.p.)

Link Raspbian: - 2013-07-26-wheezy-raspbian.zipopen in new window

Link MINIBIAN: - MINIBIANopen in new window