New Raspbian image and minimal distro (MINIBIAN)
New Raspbian image and minimal distro (MINIBIAN)
I just read on Twitter and it seem to have uploaded a new version of Raspbian a couple of days ago. The strange thing is we have no list of updates for any site. Keep looking.
While I have found in forums a new minimal distro called MINIBIAN, which optimize the latest Raspbian and leaves it with 189.9 MB compressed. The list of improvements below:
Kernel 3.6.11+ #474 ARM HF (Hard Float)
22 secs boot
45 Mb RAM used after boot
522 Mb disk space used
Fit on 1GB SD Card
Optimized ext4 file system with swap disabled
Support for both 256Mb and 512Mb version
Targeted for embedded or server applications (NAS, Web server, electronic applications)
100% full compatbile with officiale release
DHCP client enabled
SSHD enabled
root user enabled (default password: raspberry - please change it a.s.a.p.)
Link Raspbian: -