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Learn to emulate a Macintosh from Raspberry Pi with vMac

Jose CerrejonAbout 1 minRaspberry PIAppleRaspberry PIApple

Learn to emulate a Macintosh from Raspberry Pi with vMac

Mini Mac
Mini Mac

Yesterday was the most read news on the Net: John Leake has built a Macintosh scale with patience and has incorporated a Raspi to run under Raspbian a Macintosh emulator called vMac.

Would you like to run the emulator and see how is it?. Follow me...

[Files needed]

First download the emulator and necessary ROMs. Calm down, you can find it in this post.

Download updated January 24rd, 2014: Mini vMac 3.3.3 emulatoropen in new window

Download: Mediafire > (ROMs)open in new window


Nothing easier that unzip both files in the same directory and rename it from vmac.rom to vMac.ROM.

tar -xzvf minivmac-3.3.3-larm.bin.tgz
mv vmac.rom vMac.ROM

Start the X if we are not already and open LXTerminal. Now type in the directory where we have all files, the following:

./Mini vMac

[Install the Operating System]

The first thing that appears is a screen indicating the disk image is missing.


We will open the directory where the files is located with the File Explorer (PCManFM) and drag it to the emulator's window the file hfs20M.DS.

Now you'll be asking installation disks. Go dragging to the window the files, starting with Install 1.image.

Once the process is finished, you will have to restart and here we are.

VMac running on Raspbian
VMac running on Raspbian

Links: retromaccast.ning.comopen in new window | cultofmac.comopen in new window

Link: Getting started with Mini vMac 3.2.3open in new window

Link: Emulated Hardware Referenceopen in new window

Link: Youtube > how to use Mini vMac download+romopen in new window