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rPlay mirroring with Apple devices and Raspberry Pi

Jose CerrejonAbout 2 minRaspberry PIAppleRaspberry PIApple

rPlay mirroring with Apple devices and Raspberry Pi


I can not be more excited!.

Think I mentioned, but since I sold the AppleTV , the most feature I miss is the mirroring function, useful if you want to duplicate on another screen what you are doing on the iPad, iPhone or iMac.

Luckily VMLite guys are carrying this functionality to the Raspberry Pi, with a fairly promising.

I have a beta private copy and teach you how to install it and their functionalities. Do you want to see it? Let's go!...


rPlay supports AirPlay and AirPlay Mirroring. For iphone 4 and iPad 1, you can't do AirPlay mirroring, but you should be still do AirPlay for Photos/Music/Videos. For iPhone 4S and iPhone 5, iPad 2 and above, you can also do AirPlay mirroring.

It's a daemon running on boot once you've installed. You need to download the application, change the system memory to give the maximum to the GPU and enter your license key.

[ How can I get a license key? ]

Easy. Now It's free. Just register a user in the forum and ask for it. In a short time you will get in your mailbox account with instructions needed to make it work on your Pi.

Link: Forumopen in new window

[ Prerequisites ]

Update the firmware of your Raspbian with

sudo apt-get install rpi-update && sudo rpi-update

Now give more memory to the GPU with sudo raspi -config. The model B needs 256 MB and model A 64 or 128.

Now install the dependencies and the software with:

sudo apt-get install libao-dev avahi-utils libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libva-dev youtube-dl
sudo youtube-dl --update
wget -O rplay-1.0.1-armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i rplay-1.0.1-armhf.deb     

We go from any computer on the same network to the browser and type: http://IP_PaspberryPi:7100/admin or you can start X from your Raspbian with Midori and go to the next url: http://localhost:7100/admin (user admin user , password admin).

There you can find a front end to configure some parameters. We need to add our license key at the end of the page. You can also do it directly modifying the file /etc/rplay.conf

Now restart to get rplay run automatically the daemon.

If we want to stop/play the daemon:

sudo /etc/init.d/rplay start
sudo /etc/init.d/rplay stop

[I want to uninstall rPlay]

sudo /etc/init.d/rplay stop && sudo dpkg -r rplay

A picture speaks a thousand words: I present my first Youtube video related with the Pi. I show you several features about rPlay to give you an idea of its actual performance so press play and enjoy!

Link: vmlite.comopen in new window

Related Links: Problems with audioopen in new window