Smart Home Automation with Linux and Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition (Ebook)
Smart Home Automation with Linux and Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition (Ebook)

Smart Home Automation with Linux and Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition shows you how to automate your lights, curtains, music, and more, and control everything via a laptop or mobile phone.
You'll learn how to use Linux, including Linux on Raspberry Pi, to control appliances and everything from kettles to curtains, including how to hack game consoles and even incorporate LEGO Mindstorms into your smart home schemes.
What you'll learn:
Control appliances like kettles and curtains both locally and remotely.
Find and harness data sources to provide context-aware living.
Hack/change existing hardware/software to better fit your needs.
Integrate various technologies into a function greater than the whole.
Set up a home network, for both network and audio/video traffic.
Learn how to incorporate Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and even LEGO Mindstorms into your smart home.
Purchase: Amazon