WIFITE. Tool to attack networks WEP, WPA and WPS
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WIFITE: Tool to attack networks WEP, WPA and WPS
I have always been passionate about the issue of security. Both in my development as equipment I own.
If I tell the truth, I think I'm the only man that has ever tried to find out the password of a wireless network.
Today we present wifite, a tool to crack WEP, WPA or WPS networks...
This tool has been developed in Python to run on Linux with distros like Backtrack 5, BlackBuntu, BackBox, or Pentoo!. This is an auditing tool described as "set it and forget it".
To install on the Raspberry Pi, follow the steps indicates by Borja Lanseros on his blog.
Have you ever used your Raspi to "recover" the neighbor password?
Link: imasdfriki.blogspot.com.es
Link: code.google.com> wifite