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Mupen64Plus - N64 Emulator for the Pi

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteRaspberry PIRaspberry PI

Mupen64Plus - N64 Emulator for the Pi

Nintendo 64
Nintendo 64

Not long ago we discussed the possibility of emulating the Nintendo 64 in our Raspberry Pi.

Many thought it was not possible, but a user began to rewrite the code to be executed on the GPU directly thanks to OpenGL ES 2.0 and now we can see ourselves the result...

We have a repository on Github with Mupen64Plus emulator source code. If you want to try before you will have to solve the following dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev

Now clone the repository with:

git clone

Enter into the directory and run: ./

With the compiled binary, we search a ROM and put it in the Pi and run: ./mupen64plus /home/pi/mario.n64. If you haven't got any available, you can try a demo with: ./mupen64plus m64p_test_rom.v64

If you are interested in binaries, You can access an alpha released here

Forum: - Mupen64Plus - N64 Emulator for the Piopen in new window

Help: > WIP: Playable Nintendo 64 Emulator Availableopen in new window

UPDATE: The sound is choppy at 32000 Hz, and the speed is usually between 25-50 fps. Honestly impressed.


SuperMario 64