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Starting with a Debian OS

Jose CerrejonAbout 2 minRaspberry PIRaspberry PI

Starting with a Debian OS


When we have enough experience to manage with the Raspbian operating system, it's time to become independent of it. Here are some tips to make you feel comfortable with other Debian based distribution, in this case we will use PipaOSopen in new window.

These tips are not so easy to find. That is, I'll teach you not to configure a static IP or your WIFI dongle, for it we already have hundreds of tutorials. Let's begin:

[ Expand the partition ]

The image usually comes with a size that does not correspond to the full space on SD card.

In the special case of PipaOS, comes with a partition at the end that we will erase previously. If not your case, pass the next point to expand the partition.

Update Feb 9, 2014: Skip first step if you have 2.3+ version.

  1. First enter parted with:
sudo parted /dev/mmcblk0

print <- show partitions
rm 3 <- delete partition number 3
quit <- exit from parted
  1. Now we get into fstab and remove the last line: sudo nano /etc/fstab

To expand the primary partition, automate the steps thanks to a script not to complicate a lot:

sudo apt-get install parted
sudo wget --no-check-certificate
sudo chmod +x rpi-wiggle
sudo ./rpi-wiggle

Press ENTER to restart and when finish the repartitioning, you can delete the file and if you want also parted with: sudo rm-wiggle rpi && sudo apt-get remove parted

NOTE: The partitioning process can take several minutes depending on your SD card. Please wait to shell promptopen in new window.

[ System Updates and critical applications ]

The second thing we do once we have expanded the file system is to install a number of programs and update the distribution. Add or remove applications freely think you will not need.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mc git-core ntpdate ca-certificates build-essential keyboard-configuration locales

If you want rpi-update to kernel's updates:

sudo wget --no-check-certificate -O /usr/bin/rpi-update && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/rpi-update


sudo dpkg -i *.deb

[ Alternatives to take into account ]

It may be the case that some tools are not installed. If you intend to install the bare minimum, you might want to achieve our goal without "dirtying" the system. Here are some commands that will help you:

ifconfig = hostame -I (letter I uppercase)

Problems with wget y https: add the parameter --no-check-certificate

[ FAQ ]

# No space left on device

It is because the temp folder is in the RAM and has no space for the operation you're running. One way to fix it is:

sudo nano /etc/default/rcS
change the last line

Reboot and try to reinstall the package again. Go back to the file and change again with RAMTMP=yes when finished

# I want autologin


Edit sudo nano /etc/inittab and add to the line 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1 a #:

#1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1

Add below:

1:2345:respawn:/bin/login -f sysop tty1 </dev/tty1 >/dev/tty1 2>&1

Where sysop is the user name (on PipaOS case).

To be continue...