Updates for OpenELEC & RetroPie
Updates for OpenELEC & RetroPie

Today I would like to thanks the people who contact me by e-mail or Twitter for congratulating me on the blog and ask some other things about the Pi. Weekly I receive many emails and I try to answer them all.
Today's news is that we have updates from two of our favorite distros: OpenELEC and RetroPie...
The latest version of RetroPie 1.9.1 fixed "freezing" bug. Let's remember that changes in version 1.9.0:
Added emulator Mame4All-RPi & Mupen64Plus-RPi
Added configuration script to the "splash screen"
Added configuration menu for RetroArch NetPlay
About OpenELEC, currently is under maintenance and I could not access the features of this new version, but you can download in the link I left or you can enable the option "automatic updates" from the OpenELEC menu.
Download: OpenELEC-RPi.arm-3.2.4.img.zip (89 MB)
Download: RetroPieImage_ver1.9.1.zip (1.6 GB)