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News this week

Jose CerrejonAbout 1 minRaspberry PIRaspberry PI

News this week

EveryDay Practical Electronic
EveryDay Practical Electronic

This week we had some movement in the Pi World. I have holidays and buying gifts but I've compiled some of them for you. I also just observed that I have exceeded 150K visits in less time than I expected. Thanks for take into account this blog to keep you inform of news about the Pi. I got news that I can not reveal until January yet, but it will give more international projection to the blog. Let's start with the news...

  • Raspberry Pi has become the "toy" fashion, and many magazines from the electronics sector have regained benefits from articles that talk about it. EveryDay Practical Electronic is one of them. I leave an article from the last number for those who want to see and if you want, purchase. Download: uploaded.toopen in new window

  • New Raspbian, Raspbmc and Arch updated images that you can install via NOOBS. More information on the official blog. Link: raspberrypi.orgopen in new window

  • Special mention deserves Raspbian, which has been updated and some of its features are: new firmware 3.10 kernel, X accelerated driver included and enabled by default, Mathematica and Wolfram language installed by default, Scratch and PyPy updated, new V4L2 camera driver and package v4l-utils updated. Download: 2013-12-20-wheezy-raspbian.zipopen in new window

  • One of the problems we have on the Pi is the limited power it has for web browser. Midori which is the default browser is not the best alternative, but thinking about this someone have been proposed to develop a browser, called Web for now, in order to browser according to our Raspberry Pi specifications. For now it is quite unstable, but if you take a chance in the next link you have the instructions to install it. Link: raspberrypi.orgopen in new window