Reach 200.000 visits!
Reach 200.000 visits!
10 months were required to reach the first 100K visitors, and have just enough over three to reach 200K unique visitors...
Still here, with more or less regularity in my post. Often depend on the accumulated work, family life or simply looking for some news that has not yet appeared in the media, and it is an increasingly difficult challenge to overcome.
Is there anything that has changed in recent months? On the international scene, a lot of PCBs who continue trying to get a better Pi, some very interesting. But the strong community behind our Raspberry Pi, proudly shows us that it is still the right choice for our projects, emulators, media centers or to get an online server.
Looking back when I reached the first 100K visits, I commented that wanted to expand the other sections, and I think I will do the opposite: Now I will focus exclusively on talk about Raspberry Pi. The reason is simple: It's what interests me today and I think also the people who know my blog. The blog has achieved many visits from places outside Spain. I have more care when writing articles in English and at least for now no one has complained.
I'm not going to entertain a lot: I want to thank to the Google Docs fans, to people writing me emails, comments or retwitt/share my posts. For me it is a real pride that you are my reader, really. Also people who call or write me if I want to work on a project and earn some money. This is always great and now I have three of them.
I hope we keep reading for a long time!