Survive to the Back Week with a Raspberry Pi. Read emails
Survive to the Back Week with a Raspberry Pi: Read emails

We continue with the challenge of being 7 days without X. Is it painful for any of you?. Today we'll install an email client.
As you can see, these articles are being focused on the daily use than any normal user can give to a computer from a non-professional perspective.
[ VOW ]
I put my heart next to yours, to do ours one wider and secure. I pledge to you, terminal. I'm yours for a week. When I feel weak, I will be strong and will not tear the X when ascii videos overwhelm me, I will be strong and see the entire series of Star Wars in ASCII, I'll be strong when the eyes do not bear it, I'll be your shadow when you do not know any command, I will smile, I will cry.
Until the GUI do us part.
The mail client I will use is called cone. You can install it from the repositories: sudo apt-get install cone
I will use a Gmail account through IMAP, which is the most common, but you can set it to any other account. Just be aware that to access via pop/imap to your Gmail account should have this option enabled from your account (read here).
To set up a new email account, just follow these steps: Press M (MAIN MENU) > N (NEW ACCOUNT) > I (IMAP). In the next screenshot you can see my configuration (with password invented to mislead the number of characters, hehe).
Done, it is so easy to read your mail from console!. Now I leave you to search how the hell you can send a mail, because I have not yet achieved, LOL.
Star Wars: telnet
BOFH (Bastard Operator From Hell): telnet 666
MUD (Multi User Dungeons): telnet 4000 | telnet 6715 | telnet 5555 | telnet 9700 | telnet 3200 | telnet 6000 | telnet 4100 | telnet 3222 | telnet 8888 | telnet 8887 | telnet 1300