XLink Kai for Raspberry Pi
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XLink Kai for Raspberry Pi

Xlink Kai is a tunneling software for Windows that allows you to create a direct connection between two or more identical game consoles through internet.Originally created for Microsoft original Xbox, it now supports Xbox 360, Nintendo Gamecube,Sony Playstation 2 and Playstation Portable.
It works fooling game consoles, in other words making them believe they are in the same network the other console is, to achieve this it requires you to connect your console to the same network router or switch where your PC is connected to internet, then let the software web interface detect your console.
To install, you need to download, uncompress & run the next package:
wget http://canadian-gaming.ca/xlinkkai/builds/release/kaiEngine-7.4.28-RC1-linux-arm-headless-raspberry-pi.tar.gz
tar xzvf kaiEngine-7.4.28-RC1-linux-arm-headless-raspberry-pi.tar.gz
cd kaiEngine-7.4.28-raspberry-pi
Link: teamxlink