PiKISS. Two new scripts join to the family
PiKISS: Two new scripts join to the family

These days I'm kinda busy with the generation of two scripts that have seemed to me very interesting to the PiKISS project: Stream TV channel and DLNA/UPnP server...
[ Streaming Spanish TV Player ]
Today, the only way we have to watch streaming channels is installing on XBMC (OpenELEC, Raspbmc,...) a plugin to view it. With the World Cup, I've parsed a xml file where come all channels created by PiKoMule here. It's a fairly updated today file, and have been used to create a menu (which has given me more of a headache).
Notice that 80% of channels do not work today. I hope PiKoMule update as soon as they "fall". However the script is here for you to test and comment.
Channels that have tested now and work are: GolTV, GOL TV Option 2, EuroSport HD, HD FightBox, La 1, Antena 3 Neox, Energy, The Sixth Clan (Pat the Postman), 24H, 13tv, RTPA.
For future updates, I hope to incorporate international channels if I get another xml file.
[ Rygel: DLNA/UPnP Server ]
Rygel is just one of the many Media Server in the World. Its function is to share multimedia files by streaming audio, video or images via the server where you install it. I opted for this one because of its simplicity and consuming memory. Its main features:
Browse and play media stored on a PC via a TV or PS3, even if the original content is in a format that the TV or PS3 cannot play.
Easily search and play media using a phone, TV, or PC.
Redirect sound output to DLNA speakers.
I've done tests with an iPhone 4/iPad Mini with the AcePlayer App, and a 40" Samsung TV with very satisfactory results. You can use any application with DLNA/UPnP support.
TVPlayer is already in PiKISS and Rygel will be tomorrow.
Happy Wednesday!