Download & watch Youtube videos from Terminal with mps-Youtube
Download & watch Youtube videos from Terminal with mps-Youtube
Every time I change from one OS to another, I feel the same: I must find an app to download any funny videos my daughter watched on Youtube and never have one that fits my needs completely. I never thought in a Python script to do this task. Their name: mps-youtube
[ Introduction ]
This script will allow us to watch videos, download them to any resolution, create lists local and much more, all from console.
[ Installation ]
You need to download this script and install it with: python
Now install mps-youtube with:
[sudo] pip install mps-youtube
Depending on the chosen operating system, you must install a player or another (see GitHub page for more detail).
To run it, simply type: mpsyt
[ Use ]
Upon entering the application, you will have a prompt which ask us to introduce the commands to execute. Here I show you a few examples:
/Aladdin # Search with the word(s) desired
d 5 # Download video from 5th position. You can choose the file format (webm, mp4, flv, 3gp,...)
set player mplayer
h # Help
i 5 # Info about the 5th video
p,n # back page (p) & next (n)
Link: > mps-youtube
Link: > How to access popular search engines from the command line on Linux