Script for resize and upload an image file (Linux/OSX)
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Script for resize and upload an image file (Linux/OSX)
Yes, I have a lovely woman who loves me and a wonderful daughter. What do I do here?. Well, I woke up wanting to improve an script that was pending for years with which: Resize a png image, optimize, upload to ftp and copy the result to the clipboard with Markdown format. The code runs on both OSX and Linux...
# Description : Prepare a png image and upload it through ftp protocol. Then copy to clipboard and print on screen the file path on Markdown format
# Author : Jose Cerrejon Gonzalez (ulysess@gmail_dot._com)
# Version : 0.1 (2/14/16)
# Dependencies:
# On OSX:
# brew install pngquant optipng imagemagick
# On Debian:
# sudo apt-get install -y pngquant optipng imagemagick
# Next line necessary if you want to invoke the code from Automator
declare -a FTP=(
"your_user" # user
"your_psswd" # password
"" # url
"/images/2016/$(date +"%m")/" # /path inside ftp
for f in "$@"
# Resize to a temporal file
convert -resize 512 "$f" "$IMGNOEXT"_res.png
# Backup original file
mv "$f" "${f%.png}".bak.png
# Optimize the file with pngquant, optipng
pngquant --output "$IMGNOEXT"_lossy.png --force --quality 60-80 -- "${IMGNOEXT}"_res.png
optipng -o7 -strip all -out "$f" "$IMGNOEXT"_lossy.png
# Cleaning da house
rm "$IMGNOEXT"_lossy.png "$IMGNOEXT"_res.png
# Do the magic with ftp upload
curl -T "$f" -u ${FTP[0]}:${FTP[1]} ftp://${FTP[2]}${FTP[3]}
# Copy to clipboard on OSX
echo "$OUTPUT_MSG" | pbcopy
# On Debian, you can use the package xclip and uncomment the next two lines
# echo "$OUTPUT_MSG" | xclip -selection clipboard
# notify-send "Uploaded image copied to clipboard" --icon=mail-signed-verified