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Picodrive 1.92 for Raspberry Pi

Jose CerrejonLess than 1 minuteRaspberry PIRaspberry PI

Picodrive 1.92 for Raspberry Pi


Another emulator I've used to compile is the fabulous Picodrive that emulates MegaDrive/MegaCD/32X.

In this case, it has been used to correct the renamed GLES library in Raspbian Stretch and all the applications that make use of it, should be doing.

As always, this new version is available by installing PiKISSopen in new window en vuestra Raspberry Pi.


I recommend you a game for the Master System that was released at the end of last year called Silver Valley. It's like CastleVania and you can download it from hereopen in new window.

Link: > picodrive-rpiopen in new window