Misapuntesde present... NOTESbox!


"What's this? I can't believe my eyes, I must be dreaming" - Nightmare Before Christmas

I have a gift for us!

This is the reason because I have been busy these days. I got the idea of having a *cheat sheet* with information that is always good to have on hand. And to make it look pretty and practical, I present to all the SINGLE NOTES ON A CUBE TO RASPBERRY PI... EL CUBOpuntes! (a.k.a. NOTESbox)


CUBEbox sent by Sancho VirĂ¡g Attila. [Google +](https://plus.google.com/113706774556650311061/posts/5xxP3AhddGp)

On this unfortunately named *CUBOpuntes* I have compiled some information you will have to consult securely.

But certainly not without faults, so if you see something wrong, a command that does not work, you need that package essential, just let me know. If you have another name for the baby, I'll be watching the comments.

The information gathered:

  • Side 1: Logos, schema and GPIO.

  • Side 2: Copy OS to SD.

  • Side 3: Files you should know and its location.

  • Side 4: Useful commands I.

  • Side 5: Useful commands II.

  • Side 6: Shortcuts keys in the terminal and Favorite apps.

Hope you all like it!

***PS:*** I am not responsible if you stick your fingers with the glue or hurt yourself with the scissors because your lack of experience.


Link: [NOTESbox PNG in English](//misapuntesde.com/res/NOTESbox.png) | [NOTESbox PDF in English](//misapuntesde.com/res/NOTESbox.pdf)


Descarga: [CUBOpuntes PNG in Spanish](//misapuntesde.com/res/CUBOpuntes.png) | [CUBOpuntes PDF in Spanish](//misapuntesde.com/res/CUBOpuntes.pdf)